Calibration of FD-600-O2

A step-by-step tutorial on calibrating your FD-600-O2 gas analyzer.


Calibration Frequency
At least every 12 months. 

Calibration Kit Items Required:

  1. Calibration T-piece & Tubing
  2. Calibration Gas (N2)
  3. Calibration Gas Regulator (C10)

▶️ Tutorial Calibration Video


STEP 1: SPAN Calibration to 20.9% oxygen in fresh air.

  1. Power on the analyzer and allow 60 seconds for stabilization in fresh air.
  2. Verify the pump is operating.
  3. Check the reading: No calibration is needed if it's within ±0.1% of 20.9%.
  4. For calibration to precisely 20.9% undertake the following.
  5. Press MENU to take you to the MENU icon selection.
  6. Select "GasCheck" from the Menu Screen
  7. Enter passcode: 1111 
  8. Select the "O2" icon. 
  9. Verify the default span value shows 20.9% (left column).
  10. The current reading appears in the right column.
  11. Press the right button "SAVE" to confirm the 20.9% calibration gas concentration.
  12. Go back to the main display to confirm a reading of 20.9%.
  13. The analyzer is now calibrated to 20.9% oxygen in fresh air.

STEP 2: ZERO Calibration to 0.0% oxygen using Nitrogen Gas.

  1. Expose the gas analyzer to 100% Nitrogen Gas for at least 2 minutes. The gas analyzer will approach 0.0%.
  2. Ensure you use a flow rate of 0.5 LPM and a T-piece as recommended.
  3. Press MENU to take you to the MENU icon selection.
  4. Select "GasZero" from the Menu Screen.
  5. Select the "O2" icon. 
  6. Press the "SAVE" button to confirm the zero value.
  7. Go back to the main display to confirm a reading of 0.0%.
  8. The analyzer is now zero-calibrated.

STEP 3: Verification

  1. Allow the oxygen analyzer to stabilize in fresh air for 5 minutes, confirming it reads 20.9%.
  2. Once verified, your unit is properly calibrated and ready for operation.
  3. Don't forget to document the calibration event in your gas analyzer log book. Place a reminder calibration date sticker on the unit for the next calibration event.