Best Oxygen Deficiency Monitor (updated for 2025)
Best Oxygen Detector for Air Levels (2025 update)

A oxygen analyzer can measure O2 concentrations in the air. It is common to these devices when analyzing indoor air quality, oxygen deficient processes, or residual oxygen after an inert gas flush. Oxygen detectors typically analyze concentrations less than 20.9%. In some applications, enriched oxygen levels may need to be measured.
Best Oxygen Analyzer for Oxygen Machine (2025 update)

Oxygen analyzers measure oxygen levels produced by oxygen generators, oxygen concentrators, oxygen systems, and oxygen machines. Typically, these devices combine measurements of oxygen purity concentration (O2), flow (F), and pressure (P). Oxygen analyzers consist of an ultrasonic sensor that detects both oxygen and nitrogen, ranging in price from $300 to $5,000.
Best Oxygen Analyzer for Scuba and Oxygen Purity (updated for 2025)

An oxygen analyzer is a critical tool used by divers to confirm the oxygen levels within their gas cylinders. It is essential that the oxygen analyzer is reliable as air inhalation during diving is the biggest safety concern. Oxygen analyzers used for diving are also referred to as a scuba analyzers, O2 analyzers, or simply as oxygen analyzers. They are easy to use and display the oxygen concentration in %vol of the gas cylinder.