Best Carbon Monoxide Detector for Generator Safety (2025 update)

Carbon Monoxide gas detection is crucial when using portable generators to prevent tragic outcomes. A portable carbon monoxide detector is an essential tool in these situations, providing accurate readings of CO levels in the environment. By continuously monitoring the atmosphere, these detectors can alert users when CO concentrations reach unsafe levels, prompting immediate action to mitigate the danger. Implementing reliable CO gas detection is a critical precaution when using portable generators, ensuring the safety of both the operator and those in the vicinity.



  • A portable carbon monoxide detector can protect people from carbon monoxide's harmful effects.
  • A portable carbon monoxide detector is inexpensive.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors can be readily found and purchased in many stores and online.
  • Maximum safety is required when using portable generators. Operate them outside with the exhaust facing away from the home.
  • Portable generators are one of the most dangerous consumer goods.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors have a limited lifespan of 5-7 years.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors can, at times, have false alarms.
  • Not all carbon monoxide detectors can detect low levels of carbon monoxide and thus may not alert the users of the presence of carbon monoxide at low concentrations.

Best Portable Carbon Monoxide Detector?

While there are many excellent options to choose from when selecting a CO meter, some great devices include the following:

Carbon Monoxide Detector When Operating a Portable Generator?

Investing in a carbon monoxide detector is a simple, smart, and cost-effective way to protect yourself and your family from harmful carbon monoxide gases.

When a carbon monoxide detector sniffs CO gas, it will sound an alert. Many of these detectors are battery-operated and simple to use and set up.

Dr. Koz performed a simple experiment to show how dangerous portable generators are and also showed how a simple CO detector can be used to make a interlock system. See here.

Do Portable Generators Give Off Carbon Monoxide?

Yes they do. 

Portable Generators mostly use gasoline and emit carbon monoxide. They do not have any catalytic converters to reduce toxic fumes, which makes them very dangerous when it comes to carbon monoxide output (as compared to your vehicle). If too much carbon monoxide builds up in an indoor environment, deadly levels of carbon monoxide can quickly accumulate.

Portable carbon monoxide detector

Can Portable Generators Give you Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? ...or even kill you?


Over the last decade, generators have killed an average of 70 individuals in the United States per year, an increase from the decade before.

Over the last two decades, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has documented around 1,300 deaths caused by generators, with new studies revealing that the majority of these deaths occur during weather-related power outages. The number of deaths is an underestimate, according to the CPSC, because there is no thorough legal duty to report fatalities and injuries to the commission.

The common theme is that users either place the generators indoors, in garages, or close to doors and windows which then allows portable gas generator exhaust to enter the indoors and poison occupants. 

Where should a Portable Generator be Placed?

  • Always outdoors.
  • At least 20 feet away from homes, with the exhaust pointed away from windows and doors.

Consumer Reports advises placing portable gas generators at least 20 feet away from an enclosed space such as the house. In addition to this, they also advise directing the engine exhaust away from doors, windows, and other potential entries to the home.

  • Don't be lazy. The 20 foot recommendation is serious. The CPSC showed post hurricane related generator found up to 50% of non-fatal CO poisoning incidents involved generators operated outdoors but within one to seven feet from the home.
  • Five deaths occurred when a generator was outdoors but near openings
    to the home, according to the CPSC.

What Are the Practices to Minimize Portable Generator CO Poisoning?

  • Use portable gas generators after reading the label on your generator and the owner’s manual.
  • Use your generator OUTSIDE your house ONLY, at least 20 feet from your home.  
  • NEVER use a generator inside a home, garage or shed. Carbon monoxide from generators is poisonous and can KILL you in minutes. CO is called the “invisible killer” because you cannot see it or smell it. 
  • Make sure you have working CO alarms in your home. 

How much Carbon Monoxide Does a Generator Produce?

The carbon monoxide output of a portable generator can be much over 1000 ppm. This is enough to kill somebody with just a few breaths.

The CDC acknowledges that portable generators produce enough carbon monoxide to have the capacity to sicken and kill people.

Portable carbon monoxide detector

What are the Types of Carbon Monoxide Detector?

Carbon Monoxide detectors save many lives every year. 

A carbon monoxide detector will prevent deaths from carbon monoxide entering your home and/or indoor space (garage, work, shed) due to CO coming from a portable gas generator.

CO is elusive since it cannot be detected with the human nose. It can be propagated with the wind into your home; it can then be propagated and distributed by your heating venting system or be emitted from a neighboring portable generator or redirected by physical walls or objects. There are many ways CO gas can arrive in your presence, hence why we advocate having a carbon monoxide detector with you, in your home, and in every bedroom, garage, shed or indoor space.

A low level carbon monoxide detector is a excellent option for early warning indoor CO accumulation. Low level carbon monoxide detectors have the ability to alarm faster than regular UL2034 carbon monoxide detectors due to their lower alarm thresholds and faster response algorithms.


How Long Do CO Meters Last?

Most CO meters last between 3 to 10 years. If batteries can be replaced, we recommend replacing them annually.

Why Are Portable Gas Generators Dangerous?

Portable gas generators pose a number of dangers to users such as carbon monoxide threats, electrical threats, and fire threats.

With carbon monoxide specifically, generators are capable of producing large quantities of the gas in a short period of time. The Consumer Product Safety Commission advises taking these precautionary steps:

  • Do not use generators in enclosed spaces, especially those lacking proper ventilation.
  • Follow the instructions that come with the generators.
  • Use carbon monoxide detectors, meters, or monitors to track the level of carbon monoxide in the space.

Can You Smell Carbon Monoxide From Generators?

No, carbon monoxide from generators is completely odorless. Always operate generators outdoors and install CO detectors, as human noses cannot detect this lethal gas.

When Do Most CO Poisoning Incidents Occur with Portable Gas Generators?

  • Most carbon monoxide deaths due to portable gas generators occur after a storm or hurricane. The power goes out and then forces many people to use portable generators.
  • NPR notes a specific story where one woman's encounter with carbon monoxide poisoning from a portable gas generator is explored in detail. 
  • Most extreme situations are when people use portable generators in their homes, garages, or close to the entry ways of their home (windows, doors, etc.).
Portable carbon monoxide detector

    Do Portable Gas Generators Have CO Sensor Cutoffs (updated July 2023)?

    Original Text: Only some of them have CO sensor cutoffs. Most do not. Be attentive and look for this feature where possible. Even if you purchase a portable generator with a built in carbon monoxide detector, you must still be very careful, as the emissions can still be lethal and can kill.

    New Text:  I (Dr. Koz) visited my local Costco in Southern Carlifornia this weekend and happy to see the only Portable Generator for sale was a unit with an automatic carbon monoxide sensor alert and CO cutoff. This is fantastic news and great to see a big box leading the way with this safety feature.

    Co shutoff carbon monoxide

    What is the History of Carbon Monoxide Shut Off and Portable Generators?

    • Carbon monoxide interlock development regarding portable generators germinated with two key groups:
      • CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
      • PGMA (Portable Generator Manufacturers Association).
    • In 2001, Carbon Monoxide first demonstration of interlock with a houseboat, according to the CDC NIOSH.
    • In 2006, CPSC brings to light an initiative to reduce carbon monoxide in portable generators to reduce unintentional carbon monoxide deaths.
    • In 2006, Demonstration of a Remote Carbon Monoxide Sensing Automatic Shut Off Device for Portable Generators, CPSC.
    • In 2007, Portable Generator Safety Act of 2007.
    • Timeline Carbon Monoxide interlock ANSI/PGMA G300 development history.
    • In 2017, an article summarizing history of carbon monoxide reduction in portable generators, leading up to voluntary standard development of CO interlocks.
    • A patent search shows first Carbon Monoxide Detector on a Gas Powered Generator in 2006.
    • Portable Generator Manufacturers start offering portable generators with CO interlock systems. For example, CO Shield was introduced by Champion on October 2018, Portable Generator Model #100592.
    • Consumer Report testing CO shutoff technology on various portable generators.
    Portable carbon monoxide detector

    Final Words

    Carbon monoxide (CO), an invisible and potentially deadly gas, poses a significant risk to those using portable gas generators. Many people have been harmed or killed by CO poisoning related to these generators, making gas detection a crucial safety measure. Portable carbon monoxide detectors are life-saving devices that can alert users when CO gas enters their home or accumulates around them. These detectors, particularly low-level CO alarms, can warn of danger faster than typical UL2034 CO alarms. When using a portable generator, it is essential to place it at least 20 feet from any dwelling and to employ reliable CO gas detection to ensure the safety of everyone in the vicinity.

      About the Author

      Dr. Kos Galatsis ("Dr.Koz") is the President of FORENSICS DETECTORS, where the company operates from the scenic Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles, California. He is a subject matter expert on gas sensor technology, gas detectors, gas meters, and gas analyzers. He has been designing, building, manufacturing and testing toxic gas detection systems for over 20 years.

      gas detector expert

      Every day is a blessing for Dr. Koz. He loves to help customers solve their unique problems. Dr. Koz also loves spending time with his wife and his three children going to the beach, grilling burgers, and enjoying the outdoors.

      Read more about Forensics Detectors here.

      Phone: +1 424-341-3886

      Carbon monoxide detectorCo alarmCo detectorLow level co detector

      About The Author

      Dr. Kos Galatsis ("Dr. Koz") is the CEO of Forensics Detectors that operates from the scenic Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles, California. He is a subject matter expert on gas sensor technology, gas detectors, gas meters and gas analyzers. He has been designing, building, manufacturing and testing toxic gas detection systems for over 20 years.

      Everyday is a blessing for Dr. Koz. He loves to help customers solve their unique problems. Dr. Koz also loves spending time with his wife and his three children going to the beach, grilling burgers, and enjoying the outdoors.

      Read more about Forensics Detections here.

      Phone: +1 424-341-3886
